Scrip is one of our major fundraisers. Scrip gift cards can be purchased for everyday needs, like groceries, gas, clothing and entertainment. We purchased gift cards at a discount from a National Scrip company and local retailers. Example: purchase a $100.00 gift that has a 4% discount and the earned profit for Saint Joseph would be $4.00. The program costs you nothing to participate and has a tremendous impact on our church. You can purchase Scrip gift cards at the parish office or after each Mass. This is a wonderful and easy way to help raise money for our parish.
This group prepares a meal for families and friends of a deceased member of St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina.
The Prayer Chain has been established to assist those in needs through the power of prayer. Members of the prayer ministry are divided into prayer teams and contact one another when a prayer request is received. The use of names is optional. Members are always welcome.
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal service organization with more than 1.6 million worldwide members. The local council sponsors activities to promote our faith and to provide support to our church, schools and community. These activities range from weekly rosary, family roller skating parties, pancake breakfasts and many more.